Circadian Rythymless White Boy

March 6, 2002

Apparently the just-about-24-hour cycle of sunrise and sunset isn't good enough for my body. Freed from the constraints of going to work every day, I've discovered that I'm waking up and going to bed an hour or so later every day.

Sunday, I was tired at 1:00 and went to bed. Then Monday I woke up at 10. Monday night I went to bed at about 2:00 and Tuesday morning I woke up at 11. So apparently a completely sedentary 25-year old works on a schedule of 9 hours of sleep followed by 16 hours of being awake. Or, in other words, left to my own devices I'll spend 36% of my day in the sack.

This also means that, taken to its conclusion, after waking up at 2:00 PM on Friday I'll turn in at about 6:00 in the morning, or about an hour and a half before sunrise. Next week I'd start waking up as people are getting off work and going to bed after watching the first repeats of SportsCenter. On March 25th I'd cycle completely around and start waking up at 8:00 AM.

Or, faced with an inverted sleep cycle, my body will just rebel and force me back onto a normal schedule. I'll tell you which it is in a few days.

March 5, 2002March 7, 2002