
May 9, 2002

Why do I always feel like my job interviews go badly? I always leave (or, in today's case, hang up) feeling like they felt like I was wasting their time.

When I first left the old job, I remarked to my friends that I wan't going through Tums like they're candy any more. Ever since today's (meaning Wednesday) and tomorrow's interviews were scheduled, I've been making twice-nightly trips to the medicine cabinet to keep from digesting myself.

And to top it all off, my landlord's friend rang my doorbell while I was in the middle of the interview! Since it might have been important I had to go see who it was. For some reason that really rattled me. Probably just the complete and other randomness of it all -- that Tweedledee had to ring the bell during the 25 minutes I was on the phone.

Aside from that, I guess it went well. Their skills test was easy enough (with the exception that I didn't quite know what TSQL does). I did my usual "Jason spends way the hell too much time talking" routine that's been so helpful getting me jobs in the past.

You know how, in high school, some people didn't "test well"? I don't interview well. At all. Aside from my two campus jobs, which basically had interviews that went "you're here; you're hired," I've had one successful interview -- the one that got me the job at JBDC. I know I'm good; I just can't communicate that for some reason. Hopefully tomorrow's interview at Giant Eagle will go better.

If not, expect a really depressed entry tomorrow.

May 8, 2002May 10, 2002