I Sang to a Noodle Because the Voices Told Me To

September 26, 2006

Go ahead and play mad-libs with you birthday and clothes. I got this pupal meme via e-mail and figured that since I haven't written anything lately I'd pass it on:

Pick the month you were born

Pick the day (number) you were born on

  1. "a birdbath"
  2. "a monster"
  3. "a phone"
  4. "a fork"
  5. "a Mexican"
  6. "a gangster"
  7. "my cell phone"
  8. "my dog"
  9. "my best friends' boyfriend"
  10. "my neighbor"
  11. "my science teacher"
  12. "a banana"
  13. "a fireman"
  14. "a stuffed animal"
  15. "a goat"
  16. "a pickle"
  17. "your mom"
  18. "a spoon"
  19. "myself"
  20. "a baseball bat"
  21. "a ninja"
  22. "Chuck Norris"
  23. "a noodle"
  24. "a squirrel"
  25. "a football player"
  26. "my sister"
  27. "an iPod"
  28. "my brother"
  29. "a permanent marker"
  30. "a llama"
  31. "a homeless guy"

Pick the color of the shirt you are wearing

Put the pieces together and enjoy.

September 12, 2006October 5, 2006