More About My Face

May 1, 2009

With the one eye not closing right, I've been wearing a patch at least part of the time since Monday. (Basically, when the eye gets dried out and irritated I put a patch on. Then when the gunk builds up and the eye gets irritated again I take the patch off. It's about an eight-hour cycle.)

But I've noticed that the view through the right lens of my glasses is hazy. Now, this may just be a side-effect of the Bell's Palsy -- the muscles that focus the eye may be a little off, or the eyelids not being where they're supposed to may be affecting things.

Or, it could be that I've had these glasses since 2000 and I'm probably in need of getting my prescription checked. But just in case I think I'll wait until my face starts working properly again before I go monkeying with things.

April 29, 2009June 3, 2009