"Be Prepared" ... I've Heard that Before ...

November 20, 2001

With a little more preparation time before my (hopefully) second interview at W&J, I took a drive to Washington to make sure I'd have time to get there. With no traffic, it takes 45 minutes. With traffic, I'd have to give myself an hour and a half.

And maybe I'd show up disgustingly early. But I definitely prefer it to showing up late. That's embarassing. "Hi, I'd like to take this job that requires a great deal of responsibility. But I can't even figure out how long it takes to get from Point A to Point B." Ugh. I can deal with some of my flaws (the beer gut, my smart-ass attitude, etc.) but I hate being late for things. It just seems amateurish to me.

November 19, 2001November 21, 2001